Category Archives: Seasons/Holidays and communication

Communication Expansion Using the Repetition of Holidays in a Neutral Way

To expand any skill, we all need practice.  This same repetition is vital for your child to gain speech and language skills.  A good way to assure repetition and frequent practice which is necessary is by using your environment to … Continue reading

Posted in Articulation, Expressive Language, Pragmatic Language, Receptive Language, Seasons/Holidays and communication, Uncategorized | Comments Off on Communication Expansion Using the Repetition of Holidays in a Neutral Way

Speech and Language Enrichment = Summer Fun!

School’s out, but you can support your child’s speech and language skills in typical summer activities.  They provide wonderful contexts to enrich your child’s communication development and still have lots of fun!  For specific guidance in skills to target, remember your child’s … Continue reading

Posted in Expressive Language, Pragmatic Language, Receptive Language, Seasons/Holidays and communication, Uncategorized | Tagged , , | Comments Off on Speech and Language Enrichment = Summer Fun!