Educational iPad Apps for Preschoolers

The document below was created by Cheryl Straw, MS, CCC-SLP and Mary Jane Fledderjohn, MS, CCC-SLP.  It contains a list of some educational iPad apps for Preschoolers, which are alphabetically arranged by category (ex:  art/fine motor, articulation, books for preschoolers, play, language, etc.) and provides information on the function and price of each app.  Please remember, many of these apps are available for iPhones and iPods as well.  We hope you find this list beneficial.

Fish Preschool Adventures Matching, counting, ID colors,& finding differences in fish $1
Monkey Preschool Lunchbox Random practice of color, size, shape, letter ID $1
Preschool Adventure Colors, numbers, shapes, body parts, matching, sounds $1
ChronAge Calculates exact chronological age in years, months, & day $1
Documents to Go Premium-Office(DataViz) Allows iPad to edit, create, email MS Word, Excel, PP doc. $15
Geek SLP – Apps & Technology
Access blog & tech reviews for speech therapy. FREE
Jumbo Calculator Turns iPad into a large calculator FREE
Percentally Set up various goals & calculate/email percentages $3
Talk Time Large digital timer counts down from any set amt of hr/min FREE
Alphabet tracing Trace letters on dotted lines – models given by a train FREE
Doodle Buddy Draw/paint/write on paper w/any color/line thickness FREE
Dora’s Skywriting ABCs (Dora the Explorer) Follow demo to draw each individual line of letters; $2
Egg a Sketch (Easter theme) Choose a color and draw on the eggs to decorate them FREE
Hand Paint Color scenes using back and forth “coloring” motion FREE
Little Sky Writers Trace letters on dotted lines – models given by a plane $2
Pocket SLP for Articulation (Synapse Apps) Picture drill by selected sound(s) & pos/data sum/models $30
Minimal Pairs (Synapse Apps) Recep & Express modes for 12 most common phon’l proc. $30
Speech Tutor (Synapse Apps) Side & front views of sound production $10
iTake Turns Vocal output for “my turn” or “your turn” in boy/girl voice $2
Scene Speak (Good Karma) Allows creation of visual scene displays for communication $15
Old McDonald (Hamway) Sung at little slower pace-child nonverbally picks animals $1
iSign Sign Language video dictionary $5
ABC Dinosaurs Single pic of a dino. is labeled on each page – one/letter FREE
Misty Island Rescue (Thomas the Tank Eng.) Reads story w/interactive pages; song ; coloring; dot to dot $5
Monster at the End of this Book Reads Sesame St. story aloud and has interactive pages $4
Thomas & Toby (Thomas the Tank Eng.) Reads story to child, coloring pages, and 6-12 pc. Puzzles $3
Trucks! A pic of a type of truck on each page is shown & labeled FREE
Dora’s Coloring Adventures! (Dora Explorer) Choose Dora char. & obj to create a scene & color $5
Dora’s Skywriting ABCs (Dora the Explorer) Follow demo to draw each individual line of letters; $2
Elmo’s Monster Maker (Sesame St.) Choose facial features for monster & make him dance & play $4
Misty Island Rescue (Thomas tank eng.) Reads story w/interactive pages; song ; coloring; dot to dot $5
Monster at the End of Book (Grover) Reads Sesame St. story aloud and has interactive pages $4
Thomas & Toby (Thomas the Tank Eng.) Reads story to child, coloring pages, and 6-12 pc. Puzzles $3
Adam’s Game Receptive identification of nouns in field of 3 pics $1
I Hear Ewe Labels animals & their sounds when pics are touched FREE
iFarm Pick animal for photo scene/touch animal to hear sound $1
My Very First App (Eric Carle – Night & Day) Color + object utter. match or animal + home matching $1
Old McDonald (Hamway) Sung at little slower pace-child nonverbally picks animals $1
Touchables – Old MacDonald’s Farmyard interactive scene names farm animals & sounds they make $1
ABA Receptive Ident. ( Receptive identification of nouns in field of 3 pics $1
Smack Talk Spontaneously imitates any sounds/speech production $1
Talking Tom Cat Spontaneously imitates any sounds/speech prod. FREE
ClickySticky (Invocore) Reinforce utter length/grammar/vocab to make scenes $2
iTouchiLearn Words Simple, short “movies” to show sequence related to word $2
Speech with Milo – Prepositions Demo/label prepositions in isolation or sentence $2
Speech With Milo – Sequencing Tell 3-step seq. after ordering each pic/watching “movie” $3
Speech with Milo – Verbs Demo/label actions in isolation or sentence $3
Wh Questions (By Smarty Ears) Choose question form to be answered w/supporting pic $15
Adam’s Game Receptive identification of nouns in field of 3 pics $1
ClickySticky (Invocore) Follow directions to place theme-related objects in scene $2
Dora The Explorer Coloring Adventure! Follow directions to create a scene w/Dora & friends $5
ABA Recep. Ident-by Feature ( Receptive ID objects by feature in field of 3 $1
ABA Recep. Ident-by Function ( Receptive ID object by
function from field of 3 pics
ABA Recep. Ident-Combined ( Recep ID of obj by categ., function, features -field 3 $1
ABA Recep. Ident-by class ( Receptive ID object in category from field of 3 pics $1
ABA Receptive Ident. ( Receptive identification of nouns in field of 3 pics $1
What’s that Sound?(Different Roads to Learning) Recep ID of obj by associated sound (bark/dog) -field of 3 FREE
Speech with Milo – Sequencing Order pics in 3-step sequence – can watch “movie” of each $3
ABA Problem Solving – Which Does Not Belong? Pick pic that does not belong from a field of 4 pics $1
ABA Problem Solve – Which Go Together? Pick two pics from field of 4 that go together (association) $1
Five Little Monkeys (LoeschWare) Visually reinforces song/actions – interactive hot spots $1
Head Shoulders Knees Toes (Last Legion) Tap along to “sing” song, play puzzle, & follow 1-step directions $4
iTouchiLearn Musical Morning Routines Sing song & reinforce a.m. routine events, scene puzzles $2
Itsy Bitsy Spider (Duck Duck Moose) Sing & manipulate objects on the screen $1
Working on the Railroad (Tiger Stripes) Sing,build a train, & manipulate train-related scenes $1
Old MacDonald (Duck Duck Moose) Interactive page for each farm animal $2
Wheels on the Bus (Duck Duck Moose) Sing & Manipulate song (wheels, horn, etc.) & other obj. $2
Animal Memory Match Kids Play memory by 4 levels of difficulty (6, 12, 20, 30 pics) $1
Cookie Doodle Play sequence for making & decorating cookies $1
Cupcake! Play sequence for making & decorating cupcakes $1
Dress Up Baby Choose clothes, access, & hair/eye color for dolls FREE
Elmo’s Monster Maker (Sesame St.) Choose facial features for monster & make him dance/play $4
iWash my Farm Friends Play sequence of giving farm animals a bath $2
Little Cook Choose add-in items to make eggs, pizza, soup, salad, & sandwiches $1
Shape Puzzle Complete various puzzles to create a scene $1
Monkey Preschool: When I Grow up Dress up a monkey for different careers $1
SEASONAL (Theme)    
Christmas Tree Maker (Christmas) Choose background, tree skirt, tree, & lights for tree FREE
Egg A Sketch (Easter) Choose colors and draw on eggs to decorate them FREE
Egg! (Easter – by David Chung Tap on eggs many times to open & see/hear animal inside $1
Five Little Pumpkins (Halloween) Verbalizes/signs fingerplay & reinforces matching # 1-5 $1
Starfall Snowman (Winter) Make snowmen, “10 Little Snowmen” song, count memory $1
Winter Land (Christmas) Board game for 2-4 players (like Candyland/Chutes & Ladders) $2
Winter Pop-Save Magic the Snowman(snow) Touch falling snowflakes before they reach the ground FREE
ABA Flash Cards – Emotions ( Emotion flashcards – labeled aloud $1
Look in my Eyes: Dinosaurs! Reinforce looking in other’s eyes by earning dino for scene $3
Social Skills (MDR) Two Levels of six premade social stories $7
Story Buddy Create stories using photos or drawings $3
Play 2 Learn Label/recep. Id/assess func’l words (body parts, home,…) $2
My Very First App (Eric Carle – Night & Day) Color + obj utter. match or animal + home match $1
iPrompts Create visual schedules, timers, choice boards $50
iRewards Set up/track star charts with pic of reward to earn $5
My First Yoga – Animal Poses for Kids Colored drawing flashcards of animals yoga poses $1
Short Sequence: Kids’ Yoga Journey Lite Photos of children in 7 yoga poses w/verbal descriptions FREE
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3 Responses to Educational iPad Apps for Preschoolers

  1. liz says:

    Thanks for all of these resources. Got an iphone recently and kiddos have been loving it. Nice to have lots of good and inexpensive apps at my fingertips!
    thanks again.

  2. L Lyons says:

    As a speech therapist working with several apraxic children, do you know of any specific apps for these needs?

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