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Tag Archives: slp
Educational iPad Apps for Preschoolers
The document below was created by Cheryl Straw, MS, CCC-SLP and Mary Jane Fledderjohn, MS, CCC-SLP. It contains a list of some educational iPad apps for Preschoolers, which are alphabetically arranged by category (ex: art/fine motor, articulation, books for preschoolers, play, … Continue reading
Posted in Technology in Education, Uncategorized
Tagged app, articulation, education, ipad, iphone, ipod, lanuage, preschool, slp, therapy
“Marble Jar” as Positive Reinforcement for Social Skills
A behavioral strategy used in my pragmatics groups is a marble jar. This type of positive reinforcement strategy was presented by the well-known and respected Jed Baker, PhD. (http://www.jedbaker.com/) in one of his conferences. Several marbles are in a bag, … Continue reading